BFFs with smartphoneWe’re offering a thorough, current, and deeply expert guide to smartphone security for mental health pros.

Why focus on smartphones? Well, because they’ve been on our minds recently.

Person-Centered Tech’s Smartphone Security Guide

A thorough guide to the ways we soften and manage the risks to our clients and our practices that arise when we use smartphones. This guide covers 9 categories of risk and 18 risk management measures, all written in an approachable way that the average mental health clinician can use. It contains a total of 21 pages of clearly-written expert guidance!

The period to download the Smartphone Security Guide for free has passed. There are 3 ways to access the Guide now:
1) Purchase it. It’s just $25 for some solid breach prevention guidance. Click here to purchase it

2) It’s free for Person-Centered Tech Support subscribers! Subscribe to Person-Centered Tech Support here

If you are a Person-Centered Tech Support subscriber already, you simply need to Log In Here


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