As we work towards continuing and stewarding the legacy of the late Roy Huggins, LPC NCC, we are reminded to stay steadfast on his commitment to responsively provide to the professional community he cared so deeply about — especially around deeply personal topics. Roy did not shy away from running a company that was values-based, as our donations to the ACLU and BLM during his life attested to.

As news of the overturn of Roe V. Wade broke, the PCT team immediately reached out to each other. We received a significant number of requests from mental health care providers in the PCT community and the professional community at-large for a training on this topic as a result of concerns about the implications for client care. The urgency to get this information together and disseminated was palpable — we wanted our community to know of our support as you take good care of your clients who may be impacted by the trigger laws that went into effect.

But how? What are the ethics, the considerations and the need-to-knows about working in mental health in a, now, Post-Roe America?

Therapist and Lawyer (and popular contributor here at PCT) Eric Ström, JD PhD LMHC, responsively provided some incredibly valuable context and guidance.  Not only is Eric a highly respected attorney — a legal expert — he is also an ethics expert and on the AMHCA ethics committee. Together with Liath Dalton, they broke down a lot of the anxiety, and the unknowns — giving supportive information and guidance to help care for those most impacted by this decision in a one CE credit hour self study on-demand course.

The training addresses a few state-specific points as examples and covers the laws and ethics that clinicians will need to know for clinical documentation in these states and others. The course does not present a position on abortion and “pro-life” versus “pro-choice,” it simply looks at the law and the implications of the law for clinical documentation for clients for whom reproductive care is a consideration and something that’s discussed in therapy with their care provider. 

No matter where the winds of legislation and case-law take us, we’ve got you! We remain firm in our commitment to responsively provide information and resources in support of your being equipped to continue to center your client care.

Your center is your clients. Our center is you. 

See More:

Law & Ethics of Clinical Documentation for a post-Roe World
This 1 hour CE workshop addresses the practical applications of the US Supreme Court’s recent ruling in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization. Particular focus will be on the impacts this decision has on client confidentiality and documentation of clinical services.

presented by Eric Ström, JD, PhD, LMHC and Liath Dalton
1 legal ethical CE credit hours
Get Access

Learn more about Clinical Documentation:

1 CE Credit Hours



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