by Elizabeth Jones | Mar 16, 2022 | Practice Care
I’m going to let you in on some PCT-behind the scenes today: When we talk about things we’ve gotta do, we talk A LOT about penguins. In PCT lexicon, penguins refer to all the things you need to remember to do. Your iceberg is your capacity (your memory, time etc.) and we are all, always, […]
by Elizabeth Jones | Mar 3, 2022 | General Business
In times of increased vulnerability, it can be useful to reframe and refocus ourselves on things that we can do to improve things around us. With the recent invasion of Ukraine, and the recently discovered intrusion on US computer systems that is suspected to be the work of Russian hackers, it is a good time […]
by Elizabeth Jones | Feb 16, 2022 | General Business, Step 4: Risk Analysis and Risk Mitigation, Step 5: HIPAA Manual
“Document or it didn’t happen” We’re guessing the late Roy Huggins said this 10 million times (give or take) in his 15 years consulting for his mental health professional colleagues. Documentation is something that so few clinicians get training on, whether it’s in regard to clinical work, HIPAA compliance, or security management. It’s something that […]
by Elizabeth Jones | Feb 3, 2022 | Clinician Resources
Avoidance. We can be pretty good at it. But, we know that avoiding discomfort isn’t always a healthy way to cope with difficult topics. That’s why transition planning and contingency planning are so important– and are an important part of the PCT way. Getting things in order can be a gift not just to ourselves, but […]
by Elizabeth Jones | Feb 2, 2022 | Announcements
We can see that many thousands of our colleagues use our free resources every month. That’s great! It’s an honor to be a consistent resource to serve our community. Everyone at PCT is here because we value the principle of helping the helpers. Who knew, however, that keeping the doors open on this enterprise […]
by Elizabeth Jones | Jan 13, 2022 | Clinician Resources
The No Surprises Act Support and Resources We know that the specifics of how to provide the GFEs for self-pay clients have generated a lot of questions and some understandable anxiety within the practicing community. We have addressed the No Surprises Act and GFE specifics a number of times in both of our direct support and consultation […]
by Elizabeth Jones | Feb 26, 2021 | Announcements, Clinician Resources, Ethics in Tech, HIPAA and Security for Clinicians
Rights of Access is becoming a big deal and we are finding lots of colleagues are still unsure about what this means for their practice. In this quick 11-minute video, Roy shares some key tips to help you grasp exactly what this will look like in your practice- whether you are in a group practice […]
by Elizabeth Jones | Dec 29, 2020 | General Business, Clinician Resources, Communication Tech for Clinicians (Email, Texting, etc.), HIPAA and Security for Clinicians, Tech For Your Practice
We know that one of your biggest concerns right now is staff working remotely, and in making sure they’re being safe and secure. Luckily, VPNs are a low-cost and easy way to help solve this problem. VPN stands for “Virtual Private Network”. VPNs work by signing up for a VPN service and then installing that […]
by Elizabeth Jones | Nov 19, 2020 | Ethics in Tech, Clinician Resources, HIPAA and Security for Clinicians
What is deidentification and how do you navigate deidentification of PHI as a solo practice and as a group practice? What role does tech play in keeping this information safe? Roy discusses the difference between how solo practitioners often use deidentification techniques and how they maintain privacy versus how a group practice needs to […]
by Elizabeth Jones | Nov 12, 2020 | General Business, HIPAA and Security for Clinicians
Getting everyone on the same page is a very important piece of coordinating a group of people- whether you have just an admin support person, or as a group practice; and your policies and procedures are one piece that helps you manage this important part of practice management. Whether it’s just you at your private […]