With a VPN, Your Staff Can Work Just About Anywhere
We know that one of your biggest concerns right now is staff working remotely, and in making sure they’re being safe and secure. Luckily, VPNs are a low-cost and easy way to help solve this problem. VPN stands for “Virtual Private Network”. VPNs work by signing up for a VPN service and then installing that […]
Solo vs. Group Practice Tech: Policies and Procedures
Getting everyone on the same page is a very important piece of coordinating a group of people- whether you have just an admin support person, or as a group practice; and your policies and procedures are one piece that helps you manage this important part of practice management. Whether it’s just you at your private […]
What Are the Problems About Taking Payments Remotely?
Now that we aren’t able to swipe cards for clients in person, how do we manage taking remote payments with teletherapy? What are the issues that we’re going to see? Taking payments from far away can be tricky (or very easy!) Roy covered 20 minutes of the basics that every practitioner who takes payments remotely […]
How do mental health professionals practice across state lines and keep up client care?
With the arrival of PSYPACT (woo!), and the crisis of the pandemic, we are all thinking about cross-state practice and how to best navigate practicing across state lines while keeping up client care. In this Facebook Live, Roy talks about the key points of cross-state practice and what current events mean for both psychologists and […]
How to Leverage Your Group to Make a Great Telemental Health Practice: Informational Webinar
Like every mental health care provider at this moment, you’re faced with navigating the transition to providing client care via telemental health. As a group practice leader, you’re navigating this change not just for yourself, but for your whole team.
How can you manage this transition in a way that ensures the provision of clinically-effective standards-based care? What components do you need to have in place to facilitate this transition in a way that not only meets and responds to current needs, but also positions your practice to be strengthened by it in a way that will serve it in the long-term and position you to capture the opportunities that having a telemental health component of your practice can provide?
How to Help Clients With Coronavirus Quarantine and Stay Connected via Telehealth
Staying away from our routines, even when sick, is tough for Americans. We think that therapists equipped with the power of telemental health can help.
Breaking Out of the Office With Telemental Health
So many therapists desire to get out of the office and into the world without breaking from clients, and telemental health can make it possible!
A Little Relief From the Polar Vortex
One thing is all but immune to polar vortices: telemental health! So PCT is offering some relief with $50 off our Telemental Health Certificate program!
Telemental Health Documentation: 5 Things to Write Down
Documentation is the best! Good thing telemental health documentation needs some extra stuff. We even have a sample form you can use.