We discuss Gabrielle’s background in group practice; the importance of a holistic approach; whether burnout is inevitable; building a balanced life; managing burnout for group practice leaders; getting clear on boundaries and expectations; aligning values; nervous system mapping; delegating; slowing down and being mindful as leaders; doing your own work; believing in yourself as the antidote to imposter syndrome; and the tech resources Gabrielle uses in her work.
We discuss the extent of the breach; options for LastPass users (changing all of your passwords, switching to a different service); being wary of phishing attacks after data breaches; security reminders; spotting social engineering attacks; creating strong passwords; changing default security settings; how to approach changing years’ worth of passwords; our recommendations for password managers; whether BAAs are necessary with password managers; and contingency planning.
Welcome solo and group practice owners! We are Liath Dalton and Evan Dumas, your co-hosts of Group Practice Tech. In our latest episode, we dig into Google’s new email feature, client side encryption within Google Workspace. We discuss what client side encryption really is; who will have access to this new feature; whether it meets […]
We discuss shocking HHS guidance on remote communication technologies and BAAs; phone companies that offer BAAs; traditional phone services vs. VOIP services; enforcement policies; providing Good Faith Estimates to 3rd party payers; providing GFEs for all clients; proposed HIPAA privacy rule changes; new timeframes for releasing records; telehealth reimbursement and provider location; cross jurisdictional practice examples from Alaska and Maryland; requesting temporary permission to practice in another state; and how to do jurisdictional due diligence; and our upcoming training with Eric on 1/13/23.
We discuss working remotely during holidays; work life balance; network security considerations; untrusted networks as a public health issue; how to beef up network security; guest networks; VPN pros and cons; mobile hotspots; balancing security and connectivity for clinical effectiveness; and our Remote Workspace Center through Group Practice Care Premium.
We discuss training the next generation of practitioners; meeting the present demand for care; cohort style group practice model vs longer term models; getting paid by insurance for supervisees and interns; differences between trainees in the medical field and the mental health field; keeping track of supervisory billing for each insurance company; negotiating insurance contracts and how rates are impacted; how to structure compensation; pros of this model vs hiring fully licensed clinicians; the software and systems to use to keep things running efficiently; considerations for keeping clinicians around post-licensure; and how you can work with Tara to bring interns and supervisees to your group practice.