Session 7: 1) Insurance question….. 2) Is there a cap on the amount we can charge a client for a chargeback fee on their card? 3) Does the ability to pass on fees change at all for debit cards versus credit cards? 4) How do I set up my GSuite with all the security settings […]
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Dec 11 ,
Session 7: Group Practice Office Hours (December 11th, 2020)
advertise discountsBAAcap to charge clientsCertified EHRcharging out-of-network companiesdelayed consent signaturesdigital shredding retired devicesdisputing chargesFirewallGoogle Workspace / GSuiteGrouponguidelines for outside collectionsHushmailInformation Blocking / Open Notes Rulinginsurance billingonboarding processother agreementspassing on credit or debit card feesprinter/scannerssending holiday/birthday cards to clientssetting up GSuiteTherapy Notestransitioning contractors to employeesusing third party companies to get clientsVPNWashington State disclosure