Session 321: 1) Do you have any training modules for retirees? 2) Please scare me into destroying files when they reach the statutory age for each client’s DOB and termination date. 3) Do I need to copy and paste the email or just document the gist of it? 4) Would I need a BAA from […]
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adjustment reviewapps that clears dataaudit requestauthorization formBAAcell clearing servicechange management tracking formcredit card authorization formdestroying informationdocument every emailEHReSimHIPAA compliantHIPAA Policies & Proceduresinformed consentiPlumkeeping records 8 yearslocking file cabinetLoctonMcAfeeNorton 360payment issuesrecommendationsreplace smart phoneretiree modulesretiring from practiceROIscam concernssecurity programSimple PracticeSolo practitionerstatutory agestoring credit cardstermination datethird party companytracking changes