Office Hours

On Demand Streaming Consultation Sessions

HIPAA and Teletherapy Support for Mental Health Professionals and Practicing Clinicians in a Private Practice. Rather see Group Practice Office Hours?

Get your questions answered with Solo Practice Care Premium.

Here’s how it works:

Do I need to be checking IDs?

Answering the Question: Can you tell me if it is necessary for me to check driver’s licenses to establish an identity for patients coming in to establish care at my solo practice? Does HIPAA or anyone else legally require this?


help when you need it

Get expert answers for your tech questions live and up-to-date.

Subscribe to Solo Practice Care to get access to Office Hours for answers to your questions at the next session:


Scheduled Maintenance

We will be temporarily taking the website offline at 10:00 PM Pacific (1:00 AM Eastern) tonight, July 6, in order to make some improvements. We plan to be back online by midnight Pacific (3:00 AM Eastern). We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. Dismiss