How to Have an Ethical and HIPAA-Compliant Web Presence Episode 2: Message Boards, Social Media, and Listservs

In this session, we answer commonly-asked questions about legal-ethical considerations around social media for professional purposes and also for personal purposes as a professional who needs to consider issues of boundary ethics. This presentation is developed and presented at a beginner level for counselors, marriage and family therapists, clinical social workers, and counseling and clinical psychologists. […]

Risk Management In Group Practice

Risk Management in Group Practice image with Maelisa looking surprised

Running a group practice is exciting, fulfilling, and — hopefully — lucrative! There are challenges that come with the territory, though, including new risks that don’t show up when you only have to worry about yourself and your own practice.This introductory-level course for counselors, clinical social workers, marriage and family therapists, and clinical and counseling […]

Practicing Via Telemental Health II: Care Delivery Fundamentals

Man sitting on ledge with computer overlooking a city

Did you know that there’s a deep body of research on the ways in which delivering services by videoconferencing can and can’t be clinically effective? This course will distill that research into clinical pearls, techniques, and care delivery standards for you and your clients to ensure that your video-based telemental health sessions are effective. We […]


Scheduled Maintenance

We will be temporarily taking the website offline at 10:00 PM Pacific (1:00 AM Eastern) tonight, July 6, in order to make some improvements. We plan to be back online by midnight Pacific (3:00 AM Eastern). We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. Dismiss