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Data Backup

3 reviews in total for products with this feature.

Data backup services help you make copies of your important electronic information. HIPAA requires us to do this, of course, but it’s also just a really good idea. Data backups can save your bacon in more ways than one!

Note that data backup is similar to file synchronization, but it’s not quite the same thing. Many services that do one also do the other, but not always.

If you’re looking for products that do file sync, click here for reviews of products that offer file synchronization.

Important: HIPAApropriateness reviews, including their summaries, are for informational purposes only. They are neither consultation nor legal advice. Be aware that while we do our best to be thorough and complete, information may be missing or possibly even inaccurate. Products also change quickly, and the review may become out of date. By continuing to read, you agree to use the information in HIPAApropriateness reviews and their summaries at your own risk.

Carbonite Online Backup and HIPAA Compliance

A green circle that looks like a button, representing Carbonite's brand

HIPAA compliance with this product appears possible?: Yes.
Recommend for your HIPAA risk management needs?: Maybe. Yes for Windows, Android, iPhones and iPads. No for Macintosh computers. Carbonite is a good backup solution for small to large group practices. Read our 4 notes for some details regarding proper use of the product, and for one caveat we have.

Caveats: 1, Notes: 5. See the relevant product characteristics and full review→

SpiderOak One and HIPAA Compliance

SpiderOak One Logo

HIPAA compliance with this product appears possible?: Yes.
Recommend for your HIPAA risk management needs?: Yes. SpiderOak One is a good backup solution for a range of practice sizes. Read our notes for two details regarding proper use of the product.

Caveats: 0, Notes: 2. See the relevant product characteristics and full review→


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