1 CE Credit Hour Presentation on Supervision
Fostering a Legal-Ethical Supervision Environment: Ethical Considerations of Hosting Interns and Supervisees
Learn from Dr. Tara Sanderson as she explores the legal-ethical considerations for incorporating interns and supervisees into a private practice while meeting the practice’s legal-ethical responsibilities and risk management needs. Special attention will be paid to the impact of modeling legal-ethical practice for interns and supervisees as part of their practical education experience.
Plus: Dr. Sanderson’s resource materials including documentation checklist and intern manual checklist
1 legal ethical CE credit hour
A Sharp Approach to Supervision
Clinical supervision of student interns and preliminary licensed folks is often taught in school or by our boards and because these are the only things we formally learn, we think that is all we need to know! However, as business owners, we wear different hats and must think about things critically from all perspectives.

Real feedback from the live event:
“Great and powerful information. Thanks for providing this. Thank you for your passion.”
Who is this event for?
This course is designed for group practice leaders, and group practice clinical staff members. It is also suitable for practices that consist of 100% in-person, 100% telehealth, or a mixture of in-person and telehealth treatment.
In-person Practices
Hybrid Practices
Teletherapy Only Practices
This presentation will help you understand the most common mistakes practices make when they have interns and supervisees, ideas of where to look for the answers you need, and how to create a supervision environment that gives you peace of mind that you’re equipped to incorporate interns and supervisees into your practice in a way that maintains your fulfillment of legal-ethical responsibilities and models legal-ethical practice for the interns/supervisees.

Plus a Supportive Resource Pack:
- Documentation Checklist
- Intern Manual Checklist
Thank you for the information and for making it so accessible. Somehow you take the driest material and make it fun and immediately relevant. You folks knock it out of the park!

Real Talk
Identify the most common mistakes practices make when having interns and supervisees in your practice

High Risk Issues
Describe high risk issues that come up when supervising interns and supervisees in your practice.

HIPAA Considerations
Learn how to identify the legal, ethical, and HIPAA rules and standards associated with having interns and supervisees in your practice
Training is Step 2 of the PCT Way.

Course Details
1 CE Credit Hour. Self Study
Title: Fostering a Legal-Ethical Supervision Environment: Ethical Considerations of Hosting Interns and Supervisees
Authors/Presenters: Tara Sanderson, PsyD, MBA
CE Length: 1 CE credit hours, legal-ethical
Legal-Ethical CE Hours: 1 legal-ethical CE hour
Educational objectives:
- Identify the most common mistakes practices make when having interns and supervisees in your practice
- Describe high risk issues that come up when supervising interns and supervisees in your practice.
- Learn how to identify the legal, ethical, and HIPAA rules and standards associated with having interns and supervisees in your practice
- Introductions
- Definitions:
- Interns
- Preliminary Licensed/Pre-licensed (Provisionally? This feel like more common than preliminary, but it’s probably discretionary)
- Supervision
- No Systems in place
- Not knowing where to find the rules
- Making decisions based on finances or lack of knowledge
- HIPAA and Interns/Supervisees
- HIPAA Workforce
- Why Interns/Supervisees are not HIPAA Business Associates
Fostering a Legal-Ethical Supervision Environment: Ethical Considerations of Hosting Interns and Supervisees
Meet Our Presenter
Presented by
Tara Sanderson, PsyD, MBA

Dr. Tara Sanderson, PsyD, MBA runs a successful group practice in Tigard, Oregon. She has been teaching, training and supporting Student Interns and Preliminary Licensed Supervisees for over 15 years. In addition to understanding the Ethical ramifications of supervision, Dr. Sanderson also has her MBA and has studied the business dynamics of supporting a business. She teaches a course on How to Start a Private Practice designed for clinicians getting ready to launch into business for themselves. Her course on How to Have Interns in Your Practice has recently launched. In that course she shares in depth about how to responsibly and ethically have interns in your practice. It also comes with all the forms you need to create the process for managing and monitoring the interns in your practice. She is the author of Too Much, Not Enough: A guide to decreasing anxiety and creating balance through intentional choices.
On a personal note, Tara enjoys playing table top role playing games with family and friends, motorcycling with her husband and geocaching while she travels.
Consulting Website: www.drtarasanderson.com
Practice Website: www.drsandersonandassociates.com
Book Website: www.toomuchnotenoughbook.com
How to Start a Private Practice: www.howtostartaprivatepractice.com
How to have interns in your practice: www.howtohaveinternsinyourpractice.com
Resources & Citations
- Oregon Administrative rule:
- https://secure.sos.state.or.us/oard/displayChapterRules.action;JSESSIONID_OARD=g4ciNo2GPe5rWU5WoSEB0i0RUPNOFMAN5vxfcOpdEFlgFZqFSGQ1!-911024699?selectedChapter=34
- Robiner, W.N. and Schofield, W. (1990) References on supervision in clinical and counseling psychology. Professional Psychology: Research and Practice, Vol 21, No. 4, 297-312
- Department of Health and Human Services:
- https://www.hhs.gov/hipaa/for-professionals/faq/smaller-providers-and-businesses/index.html
- HIPAA training and students
- https://www.hipaajournal.com/hipaa-training-for-students/
- Sellers, T.P., Alai-Rosales, S., and MacDonald, P.F. (2016). Taking full responsibility: the ethics of supervision in behavior analytic practice. Behavioral Analysis Practice, December, 9, 299-309
- Bernard, J.M., & Goodyear, R.G. (1998). Fundamentals of Clinical Supervision (2nd ed.).
Needham Heights, MA: Allyn & Bacon.
- Bradley, L.J., & Kottler, J.A. (2001). Overview of counselor supervision. In L.J. Bradley & N. Ladany (Eds.) Counselor Supervision: Principles, Process and Practice. Braun-Brumfield, Ann Arbor, MI.
- Bradley, L.J. & Ladany, N. (2001). Counselor Supervision: Principles, Process, and
Practice. Braun-Brumfield, Ann Arbor, MI.
- Chagnon, J.R., & Richard, K. (1995). Assessment of supervisee developmental level and supervision environment across supervisor experience. Journal of Counseling
and Development, 73 (5), 553-558.
Accuracy, Utility, and Risks Statement:
This program discusses strategies for complying with HIPAA and some other US Federal rules. It may not include information on all applicable state laws. Misapplication of the materials, or errors in the materials, could result in non-compliance with applicable laws or ethics codes.
Conflicts of Interest: None stated.
Commercial Support: none.