Group Practice Optimization and HIPAA Compliance System 

One easy place to track your team’s training, manage devices, and tackle HIPAA without the drama

illustration of two grey haired women looijing at a laptop. The laptop has a bedge with a lock on the top, indicating that it is secured.

Your Comprehensive Solution for In-Practice and Formal HIPAA Compliance

We believe that HIPAA compliance can make your practice safer, for you and for your clients, and doesn’t have to work against efficiency or the way we work as mental health professionals.

That’s why we start at the foundation and give you some momentum by tackling the highest impact pieces first. So compliance ends up feeling like a snowball, accumulating good work with more good work.

Start your compliance journey with the PCT Way

Or address your most urgent needs with individual components

CE Credit Hours

CE Credit Hours

CE Credit Hours

CE Credit Hours

A (HIPAA) weight off your shoulders

With the PCT Way, you have access to a simple, effective and efficient way to navigate the admin tasks that you hate:

– Team training assignment, tracking, and reminding are DONE FOR YOU!

Build your tech stack (with plenty of recommendations on the services and tools that makes the process painless)

Devices: practice owned and staff-owned – ALL of them secured (know what they’re using, when it’s secure, and fully document the process without drama)

– Supported Risk Analysis and Mitigation (just 2 hours long and done with our soothing PCT consultants in a shame-free space)

– Easy-peasy customizable HIPAA Manuals (step-by-step process with provided materials supported with workgroups and consultations so you can customize at your own pace)


Not Sure Where to Start?

We recommend that practices that have been operational for at least 6 months start with a Risk Analysis and Mitigation Plan. If you are just starting your practice, addressing your tech stack is a great spot to start.


Select the services that make your practice work

With so many video tools, email services, phone options… practice tech can feel overwhelming and EXPENSIVE. 

Your tech stack (the combination of services and tools that make your practice work)  is a great place for new practices to start — or if you have identified a need for saving money, increasing your capacity, or to cover an exposed area of risk. 

This first step of The PCT Way prioritizes services that meet compliance while also being highly usable and efficient.

Download our free Service Selection Workbook. It’s filled with years of tech selection consultation advice and specific services that we recommend. The workbook walks you through the whole experience!


Grow your knowledge and nourish your spirit with training that does more

Obtain clear, effective CE education and training for your entire team. Role based courses ensure that everyone has the information they need in a uniform and consistent way. 

Group Practices also have access to Training Assignment and Tracking through PCT.  Our new Training Tracking application is now LIVE!

CE requirements vary by license and state requirements. CE availability is clearly demarcated on each course for your convenience.


Most clinicians find that their tablets, laptops and cellphones each take 30minutes-1 hour to get secure. The step-by-step instructions differ for make and model of each device and can influence how long it takes to get your device secure. 

Vulnerability is for your clients. Not your devices.

With in-depth instructional videos and comprehensive instructions to make your clinical devices safe for PHI and meeting HIPAA compliance requirements, you can get your team’s laptops, tablets, and phones secure without the drama.

Built into our device security process is a Bring Your Own Device policy for team members who wish to use their own devices for handing PHI and sensitive information. A built-in logging system makes it easy to document your team’s device security.


most group practices complete this step within 2 hours


Work with a PCT consultant to get this important piece of HIPAA compliance checked off in about 2 hours.


supportive trellis with a plant growing up

Created by mental health, for mental health and tailored for YOU



These important documentation steps are broken down into bite-sized chunks so that you walk away with all of your policies and procedures, security manual, change management and workforce management support, and ongoing maintenance tasks.

A supported, fuss-free approach to creating your HIPAA compliance documentation, logs, and security requirements…


… and it’s WAY MORE than just templates! 

Get Your Team Plugged In

Leading your team is easier with the PCT way. 

  • Assign unlimited training to your team
  • Track your staff’s progress (and send kind reminders, as needed)
  • Get support from other leaders
  • Access a wealth of resources to support your practice as you grow


Creating your team is free. 

More Resources:

Free CE for Group Leadership

Free On Demand, Self Study Presentation — 1 Legal-Ethical CE Credit Hour on Risk Management for Group Practices

Join Roy Huggins, LPC NCC and Liath Dalton as they provide a roadmap for HIPAA Security compliance and adherence to professional ethical standards within your organizations.

Group Practice Tech

A podcast where we help mental health group practice owners ethically and effectively leverage tech to improve their practices.


Scheduled Maintenance

We will be temporarily taking the website offline at 10:00 PM Pacific (1:00 AM Eastern) tonight, July 6, in order to make some improvements. We plan to be back online by midnight Pacific (3:00 AM Eastern). We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. Dismiss